Posts about open source
- Jul 24 2015
A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Reviewing Pull Requests
Last time, we looked at how using feature branches makes life easier, and how you would create a feature branch to make a change and push it up to GitHub for review in the form of a pull request. Now that a Pull Request is live, someone has to review it. Let’s walk through some […]
Continue ReadingA Git Workflow Walkthrough – Reviewing Pull Requests - Jul 20 2015
A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Feature Branches
When it comes to learning Git, most folks I’ve talked to (myself included) have taken the slow and gentle path toward becoming proficient by adding it incrementally to their existing development processes. We begin by just running git init on an almost finished project and adding everything with a commit message such as start. Then, […]
Continue ReadingA Git Workflow Walkthrough – Feature Branches - Jun 03 2015
A Facade for Tooling with NPM Package Scripts
We build a lot of software at Bocoup. Like other types of builders, we tend to grow attached to the particular sets of tools and scripts we use in our work. We don’t play favorites: my colleagues support Grunt, contribute to Gulp, and maintain stand-alone tools such as JSHint. It’s easy to take familiarity with […]
Continue ReadingA Facade for Tooling with NPM Package Scripts- Tagged in:
- performance,
- tools and workflow
- Apr 24 2015
After three years of community development, Johnny-Five has its own home on the web – we’re thrilled to announce! The new site combines content from the repo, the wiki, tutorials from the Bocoup blog and several third-party websites into a single, easily-discoverable source: If you want to find the API documentation, that’s right here. […]
Continue ReadingAnnouncing - Apr 01 2015
Pushing NodeBots Into The Future with Tessel 2
On March 5, 2015, Technical Machine announced the next generation of their Tessel platform: the Tessel 2. Additionally, Technical Machine announced a prototype-to-production service for products that are built with the Tessel 2. These are both very exciting developments for the future of NodeBots. According to Technical Machine, the Tessel 2 builds on and grows […]
Continue ReadingPushing NodeBots Into The Future with Tessel 2 - Mar 25 2015
Introducing Learn JS Data
Learn JS Data is a new guide introducing JavaScript as a language that can support data processing and manipulation. While there are many great tutorials and examples for doing data processing in other languages, there appeared to be a deficiency of resources on data munging in JavaScript. And so, we have started to fill in […]
Continue ReadingIntroducing Learn JS Data- Tagged in:
- data analysis,
- data visualization,
- tutorial
- Feb 18 2015
Stabilizing ECMAScript 2015 (ES6): Teaming up with TC39 and Google on Test262
August 14, 2015. Mark your calendars. That’s my next birthday. Another important date is June 18, 2015–it’s when the ECMA General Assembly will vote on and approve the 6th edition of Ecma-262 and usher in the next era of JavaScript. On that day, all those new language features we’ve been coveting/dreading will officially enter our […]
Continue ReadingStabilizing ECMAScript 2015 (ES6): Teaming up with TC39 and Google on Test262- Tagged in:
- performance,
- testing,
- web standards
- Dec 19 2014
Customizing the RobotsConf Sumobot with Johnny-Five
In the first post in this series, I walked through inventory, preparation, calibration and assembly of the SumoBot Kit that was provided to all attendees of this year’s RobotsConf. From there, I showed how to control the bot with an Arduino Uno, Electric Imp and Spark Core. In this article, I’m going walk through two […]
Continue ReadingCustomizing the RobotsConf Sumobot with Johnny-Five - Dec 19 2014
Controlling the RobotsConf Sumobot with Arduino Uno & Johnny-Five
In the previous article, I walked through inventory, preparation, calibration and assembly of the SumoBot Kit that was provided to all attendees of this year’s RobotsConf. In this article, I’m going introduce a simple program to for controlling the assembled SumoBot with an Arduino Uno. This entire article will assume that the you have already […]
Continue ReadingControlling the RobotsConf Sumobot with Arduino Uno & Johnny-Five - Dec 19 2014
Controlling the RobotsConf Sumobot with Spark Core & Johnny-Five
In the previous article, I walked through inventory, preparation, calibration and assembly of the SumoBot Kit that was provided to all attendees of this year’s RobotsConf. In this article, I’m going introduce a simple program to for controlling the assembled SumoBot with a Spark Core. This entire article will assume that you have already read […]
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