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Follow along as we chronicle our work with our partners, the latest news on the web platform, and our efforts to build a more collaborative, inclusive company culture.
  • Open Source Infrastructure: Deploying jQuery with Ansible

    Corey Frang - February 17th, 2016

    Over the last ten years, the servers that power jQuery and its associated projects have evolved from a single shared webhost to a complex fleet of more than thirty virtual machines. Recently, I have been working with the jQuery Foundation to reel in this decade of organic growth by standardizing the configuration management of our […]

  • Ansible-based Deployment Workflow for Modern Webapps and Websites

    Adam Sontag, Christine An, and Tyler Kellen - November 18th, 2015

    Illustration by Christine An Over the years, Bocoup has put a lot of open source work on the internet, and we’ve used a huge range of services to do so. In early 2014, it was possible to find our efforts hosted on Dreamhost, Media Temple, Linode, Github Pages, Rackspace, Heroku, DigitalOcean, Amazon, and more. Recently, […]

  • A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Reviewing Pull Requests

    Jim Vallandingham - July 24th, 2015

    Last time, we looked at how using feature branches makes life easier, and how you would create a feature branch to make a change and push it up to GitHub for review in the form of a pull request. Now that a Pull Request is live, someone has to review it. Let’s walk through some […]

  • A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Feature Branches

    Jim Vallandingham - July 20th, 2015

    When it comes to learning Git, most folks I’ve talked to (myself included) have taken the slow and gentle path toward becoming proficient by adding it incrementally to their existing development processes. We begin by just running git init on an almost finished project and adding everything with a commit message such as start. Then, […]

  • Git Workflows For Successful Deployment

    Matt Surabian - May 7th, 2014

    One of the best parts about working at Bocoup is the freedom we have to explore ideas and open source projects. The diverse range of experience and interest we all bring to the table means there are always interesting open conversations taking place in the office; both about the implementation of specific ideas and the […]

  • Proactive Node.js Development with Travis CI

    Mike Pennisi - March 13th, 2014

    Life on the cutting edge can be treacherous. At any moment, your web browser may dramatically update its user interface. Your e-reader might take your books away. Your favorite snack cake could disappear from store shelves. For many, the uncertainty of this lifestyle just isn’t worth it. Fortunately, when it comes to Node.js development, you […]

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  • Building Command Line Tools in Node with Liftoff

    Tyler Kellen - February 18th, 2014

    One of my favorite things about programming in node is the package management system. In almost all instances, the practice of locally installing modules for each project has simplified my life as a developer. However, as a long time contributor to Grunt, I have become intimately familiar with one edge case where this practice breaks […]

  • Realtime Node.js App: Stress Testing Procedure

    Mike Pennisi - January 3rd, 2013

    This post is the second in a three-part series describing our investigations into scalability for a second screen application we built for PBS. You can read the introduction here. This guide assumes you have a production server up and running. If you need help getting there, check out the final post in the series for […]

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  • Realtime Node.js App: A Stress Testing Story

    Mike Pennisi - December 18th, 2012

    This post is the first in a three-part series describing our investigations into scalability for a second screen application we built with PBS. You can read more about the project in the series introduction here. Some Background We built the Map Center second-screen application in Node.js with the help of a number of open-source libraries. […]

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  • Bocoup & PBS: Building and Scaling a Realtime Node.js Application

    Mike Pennisi - December 14th, 2012

    This summer, Bocoup worked with Mozilla and PBS to build an open source, real-time web application for the 2012 US Presidential election. When we began, PBS (specifically, the folks at News Hour) had already completed a client-side application called “Map Center“. Map Center enabled users to view US demographic data and experiment with electoral college […]

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