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  • How Node.js Makes Network Code More Testable

    Greg Smith - September 3rd, 2013

    Introduction Node.js, a server platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript engine, is changing the face of web development. While Node.js itself is fast and scalable, the open source community surrounding Node.js is constantly discovering new ways to make application development more productive. This article will show how Node.js network code can be easier to write automated […]

  • Realtime Node.js App: Building a Server

    Mike Pennisi - January 14th, 2013

    This post is the third in a three-part series describing our investigations into scalability for a second screen application we built for PBS. You can read the series introduction here. Being familiar with the stress testing procedure is all well-and-good, but that knowledge won’t really help you unless you have a server to test. In […]

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  • Realtime Node.js App: Stress Testing Procedure

    Mike Pennisi - January 3rd, 2013

    This post is the second in a three-part series describing our investigations into scalability for a second screen application we built for PBS. You can read the introduction here. This guide assumes you have a production server up and running. If you need help getting there, check out the final post in the series for […]

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  • Realtime Node.js App: A Stress Testing Story

    Mike Pennisi - December 18th, 2012

    This post is the first in a three-part series describing our investigations into scalability for a second screen application we built with PBS. You can read more about the project in the series introduction here. Some Background We built the Map Center second-screen application in Node.js with the help of a number of open-source libraries. […]

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