Posts about open source
- Dec 19 2014
Controlling the RobotsConf Sumobot with Electric Imp & Johnny-Five
In the previous article, I walked through inventory, preparation, calibration and assembly of the SumoBot Kit that was provided to all attendees of this year’s RobotsConf. In this article, I’m going introduce a simple program to for controlling the assembled SumoBot with an Electric Imp. This entire article will assume that you have already read […]
Continue ReadingControlling the RobotsConf Sumobot with Electric Imp & Johnny-Five - Dec 19 2014
Assembling and Preparing the RobotsConf Sumobot with Johnny-Five
At this year’s RobotsConf, the theme of the event was “Everyone Builds a Robot”. Creator and curator Chris Williams facilitated this by including a SumoBot Kit (designed and produced by PaweÅ‚ Szymczykowski) and an ARDX Starter Kit for Arduino in the “swag bag” that every attendee received at registration. The bag also included an Arduino […]
Continue ReadingAssembling and Preparing the RobotsConf Sumobot with Johnny-Five - Dec 08 2014
Npm By Numbers, an Analysis and Visualization of the npm Ecosystem
Many of us use npm on a daily basis to manage our server-side and client-side dependencies, but do we know what goes on behind the scenes? What does the npm ecosystem look like from 10,000 feet? We set out to answer some of those questions in September of this year and are really excited to […]
Continue ReadingNpm By Numbers, an Analysis and Visualization of the npm Ecosystem - Oct 27 2014
Intel Galileo: Autonomous Navigation Rover with JavaScript
Earlier this year, I published an article that announced support for running Johnny-Five programs directly from an Intel Galileo Generation 2 single board computer. Since then, a lot of work has gone into fine tuning Galileo-IO, including a complete internal redesign that takes advantage of native I/O bindings and processing capability improvements whenever possible. Over […]
Continue ReadingIntel Galileo: Autonomous Navigation Rover with JavaScript - Oct 15 2014
A Day at the Races: Avoiding Random Failures in Selenium UI Tests
Selenium is an indispensable tool for developing web applications. It allows developers to write test scripts that control real browsers and ensure their applications behave in the way that users expect. Tests like these make software development much more pleasant–developers can have much greater certainty that their application is functioning correctly even after large refactoring […]
Continue ReadingA Day at the Races: Avoiding Random Failures in Selenium UI Tests- Tagged in:
- performance,
- responsive,
- testing
- Aug 13 2014
JavaScript: A Digital Clock with Johnny-Five
The Johnny-Five Tutorial Series is geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Get caught up here. When I first started writing (copy and pasting) JavaScript in 1999, I focused solely on IE 5 (available on PC, Mac and UNIX; but I had no idea what it was truly capable of) and concerned […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: A Digital Clock with Johnny-Five - Aug 05 2014
Designing an Exponentiation Operator for JavaScript
Update: This proposal now has two open bugs for implementation, on V8 and SpiderMonkey. In this article, I’ll explore the process of adding syntax to a programming language by going through the process of designing a new JavaScript exponentiation operator, which I’ve submitted to TC39 for consideration in ES7. In many programming languages, […]
Continue ReadingDesigning an Exponentiation Operator for JavaScript- Tagged in:
- performance,
- web standards
- Jul 24 2014
JSHint At Bocoup
I’m honored to have been named lead maintainer of JSHint. Following in Anton‘s footsteps, I’m excited to carry on his vision for the project and see it forward. In addition to overseeing regular maintenance of the project, my primary goal will be to prepare JSHint for ES6. Stewarding this work will be an exciting challenge, […]
Continue ReadingJSHint At Bocoup- Tagged in:
- open source,
- tools and workflow,
- web standards
- Jul 17 2014
Working with D3.js and Canvas: When and How
We can create charts quickly when working with D3.js and standard DOM elements, but that comes with a key limitation: the number of nodes we can render is fairly small. Have you ever tried to render a scatterplot with 1000+ circles in SVG? If you have, then you’ve probably seen your browser crumble under the […]
Continue ReadingWorking with D3.js and Canvas: When and How- Tagged in:
- data visualization,
- design,
- tutorial
- Jul 09 2014
JavaScript: LED Matrix Display with Johnny-Five on Node.js
The Johnny-Five Tutorial Series is geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Get caught up here. LED Matrix signs are everywhere: roadways (even cars themselves!), store awnings, offices, the grocery store deli, airports, train stations, taxi stands, libraries, alarm clocks, and so on. The use cases are so broad because the technology […]
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