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  • Npm By Numbers, an Analysis and Visualization of the npm Ecosystem

    Irene Ros - December 8th, 2014

    Many of us use npm on a daily basis to manage our server-side and client-side dependencies, but do we know what goes on behind the scenes? What does the npm ecosystem look like from 10,000 feet? We set out to answer some of those questions in September of this year and are really excited to […]

  • d3.chart v0.2: Iterating on Reusability

    Mike Pennisi and Irene Ros - February 21st, 2014

    It’s been about eight months since we announced d3.chart, and today we’re excited to release a new version of the framework for creating reusable visualizations. We’ve strived to incorporate as many of the lessons we learned in the eight months since the initial release. For detailed explanations of these changes, see our migration guide and […]

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  • Climate Central Surging Seas Risk Finder

    Irene Ros - October 29th, 2013

    We recently had the opportunity to work with the very talented team over at Climate Central, an independent organization of leading scientists and journalists researching and reporting the facts about our changing climate and its impact on the American public. The scarcity of resources that convey factual information about the effects of climate change in […]

  • Building Your Control Flow with Miso.Storyboard

    Irene Ros - November 9th, 2012

    Today we at the Miso Project are excited to release a new library, called Storyboard, our state management library for control flow of interactive interfaces. As more and more of our code is written in an asynchronous manner, managing the flow of our code becomes more challenging. Event broadcasting and subscriptions is a common pattern […]

  • Miso Dataset 0.3 Release

    Irene Ros - October 29th, 2012

    This post was written in collaboration with Alex Graul, Miso Project‘s co-creator. We are excited to release version 0.3.0 of Miso Dataset today that is full of new features. For the gory details, you can take a look at the closed issues, but this post will cover the major enhancements to the Dataset library. Miso […]

  • Introducing the Miso Project and Dataset Library

    Irene Ros - April 18th, 2012

    Over the past 3 months Bocoup has been working closely with the Guardian Interactive team on the Miso Project, a set of open source libraries designed to expedite and simplify the creation of data-driven interactive content. We are excited to announce the release of the first of these libraries called Dataset. You can see the […]