Posts about open source
- Dec 14 2012
Bocoup & PBS: Building and Scaling a Realtime Node.js Application
This summer, Bocoup worked with Mozilla and PBS to build an open source, real-time web application for the 2012 US Presidential election. When we began, PBS (specifically, the folks at News Hour) had already completed a client-side application called “Map Center“. Map Center enabled users to view US demographic data and experiment with electoral college […]
Continue ReadingBocoup & PBS: Building and Scaling a Realtime Node.js Application - Nov 28 2012
Announcing: OpenVis Conf
Many people are inspired by the fantastic data visualizations published on the Open Web every day, but the practice of creating these engaging pieces is often shrouded in mystery. The first OpenVis Conf — set for May 16-17 in Boston — aims to change that, with two days of talks focused entirely on the process […]
Continue ReadingAnnouncing: OpenVis Conf- Tagged in:
- data visualization
- Nov 09 2012
Building Your Control Flow with Miso.Storyboard
Today we at the Miso Project are excited to release a new library, called Storyboard, our state management library for control flow of interactive interfaces. As more and more of our code is written in an asynchronous manner, managing the flow of our code becomes more challenging. Event broadcasting and subscriptions is a common pattern […]
Continue ReadingBuilding Your Control Flow with Miso.Storyboard - Oct 29 2012
Miso Dataset 0.3 Release
This post was written in collaboration with Alex Graul, Miso Project‘s co-creator. We are excited to release version 0.3.0 of Miso Dataset today that is full of new features. For the gory details, you can take a look at the closed issues, but this post will cover the major enhancements to the Dataset library. Miso […]
Continue ReadingMiso Dataset 0.3 Release - Sep 18 2012
Introducing Gith – GitHub WebHooks For Node
GitHub offers a great feature called WebHook URLs. You can add a url to take advantage of git’s post-receive hook and get a POST request containing data related to a repository push (e.g., commits, tags, and head-resets). While the data is very detailed and thorough, its complexity and focus on mimicking the git operations make […]
Continue ReadingIntroducing Gith – GitHub WebHooks For Node - Sep 10 2012
Reviving jQuery Fundamentals
It was more than two years ago now that I first published jQuery Fundamentals, a free online jQuery learning resource. Since then, the site has seen hundreds of thousands of visits — if you’ve learned jQuery in the last two years, chances are decent that you’ve landed on the page at least once or twice. […]
Continue ReadingReviving jQuery Fundamentals - Aug 24 2012
JavaScript: Databinding with Object.observe
Everything you think you know about data binding — and every trick MVC libraries are using to pull it off — is about to be flipped on its head. At the last ECMA/TC39 Face to Face, Rafael Weinstein presented the latest revision of the Object.observe spec, a work in progress that he and several other […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Databinding with Object.observe- Tagged in:
- performance,
- web standards
- Jul 17 2012
JavaScript: Arduino Bumper Switch Controlling a Led Tutorial
Welcome to the third tutorial in our series geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Get caught up here. Johnny-Five is a Firmata based Arduino programming framework. See: JavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js. In the first tutorial you created a program to control a servo via REPL; then, in the second tutorial […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino Bumper Switch Controlling a Led Tutorial - May 24 2012
JavaScript: Arduino Slide Controlling a Servo Tutorial
Welcome to the second tutorial in our series geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Get caught up here. Johnny-Five is a Firmata based Arduino programming framework. See: JavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js. In the previous tutorial, you created a program that gave you a simple REPL control interface to a servo […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino Slide Controlling a Servo Tutorial - May 18 2012
JavaScript: Arduino Servo Control Tutorial
This is the first tutorial in a new series geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Johnny-Five is a Firmata based Arduino programming framework. See: JavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js. At the end of the first article, I showed a simple program that would strobe an LED at the default rate of […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino Servo Control Tutorial