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Follow along as we chronicle our work with our partners, the latest news on the web platform, and our efforts to build a more collaborative, inclusive company culture.
  • TXJS Node Workshop

    Greg Smith - June 12th, 2015

    We’re thrilled to announce a new workshop on July 23rd, the day prior to TXJS! Austin’s very own Bocouper Kassandra Perch aka Nodebotanist will be providing a full day workshop introducing server programming with Node.js. This workshop is particularly useful for front-end developers who are looking to expand their skills to include backend or full-stack […]

  • Summer 2015: Bocoup, CSSConf, TXJS, Roost, and You!

    Adam Sontag - February 19th, 2015

    Even as unconscionable amounts of snow have bombarded the Bocoup Loft this winter, we’ve kept ourselves warm by keeping the sun in our hearts – and in our plans. Summer’s always more fun with friends, and that’s why we’re partnering with our colleagues Nicole Sullivan and Alex Sexton to bring you CSSConf US and TXJS […]

  • A Look at New Classes from Bocoup

    Bob Holt - July 15th, 2014

    Back in May, we announced our updated lineup of classes. I want to take a moment to highlight some of our new additions we’re very excited about as well as some returning favorites. In this installment, we’ll look at the classes we’re offering in August. In a future post, we’ll take a look at what […]

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  • Announcing Summer 2014 Classes

    Bob Holt - May 15th, 2014

    We’ve had more and more requests recently to expand our curriculum in a number of different directions. I’m happy to announce that we’re bringing some of these classes to you this summer. New dates have been added in Boston for all of Bocoup’s much-loved Open Web classes. We’ll also teach our three most popular classes […]

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  • My Experience as a Bocoup Fellow

    Lidza Louina - January 20th, 2014

    Hi, I’m Lidza, and I’ve just completed the Open Web Engineering Fellowship at Bocoup – this post is about my experience learning web application development. Background The Open Web Engineering Fellowship at Bocoup was my first experience with front-end web application development. My background is in working with the Linux Kernel, specifically device drivers. While […]

  • Coming Feb 2014 – Roost and jQCon

    Jory Burson - October 9th, 2013

    Roost, Bocoup’s first-ever JavaScript Training Conference, was born one year ago this month. Today, we’re excited to announce our second Roost Conference, to be held February 10-11, 2014 in San Diego. Roost is a two-day event for growing front-end web developers who want to learn more about building modern websites and applications from the JavaScript […]

  • Ember.js Training from Tilde at Bocoup

    Jory Burson - February 25th, 2013

    We’re so excited that our friends Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale from Tilde will be stopping by the Bocoup Loft to deliver Introduction to Ember training April 22-24. At Bocoup, we support a wide variety of Open Web technologies. We believe in the right tool for the job, so we’re actively exploring different MV* libraries […]

  • Hangout with Bocoup

    Jory Burson - February 18th, 2013

    The Bocoup Loft is a fun and inspiring place to be. Between the technical debates and conversations amongst Bocoupers, regularly scheduled classes and meetups, and the occasional banana-themed event, 355 Congress St. is a very lively place! For the past few months, we’ve been experimenting with bringing that liveliness online via our Bocoup on Air […]

  • Introducing Bocoup Screencasts

    Rebecca Murphey - November 20th, 2012

    Many of us here at Bocoup spend a lot of our time helping others get better at JavaScript and working with open web technologies, from Adam Sontag working with folks to solve their problems in the #jquery IRC channel, to Ben Alman working out the perfect way to explain an IIFE, to Greg Smith guiding […]

  • Roost – A JavaScript Training Conference from Bocoup

    Darius Kazemi - October 15th, 2012

    One of the most important ways we accomplish our mission to move the Open Web forward is through helping and training web developers. To this end, we’re working to make open web education as accessible as possible via resources such as, our public classes and workshops, and the Essentials Tours we’re bringing to cities […]