Announcing Summer 2014 Classes
Posted by Bob Holt
We’ve had more and more requests recently to expand our curriculum in a number of different directions. I’m happy to announce that we’re bringing some of these classes to you this summer.
New dates have been added in Boston for all of Bocoup’s much-loved Open Web classes. We’ll also teach our three most popular classes at The New York Times Building in June and July: JavaScript Best Practices and Patterns, Writing Testable JavaScript, and Building Web Applications with Backbone.
These classes are going to be awesome, and if you’re in New York City, you owe it to yourself to check them out!
Now, with new classes!
I’m thrilled to announce that we’re bringing these classes to you this summer:
- JavaScript for Engineers
- Web Developer Tools and Workflow
- JavaScript Best Practices and Patterns
- Building Modular Applications: Introducing Browserify, RequireJS, and WebPack
- Writing Testable JavaScript
- End-to-End Testing and Continuous Integration
- Building Maintainable JavaScript Applications
- Building Web Applications with Backbone
- Building Web Applications with Angular
- Visualizing Data with D3.js
- Building Server-Side Apps with Node and Express
If you see multiple classes on that list you’d like to take, you’re in luck! Last fall, we introduced tracks: curated groups of classes that complemented each other, and could be purchased as a group. As our curriculum expands, we want you to have the flexibility to decide which classes will best meet your personal learning goals. That’s why we’re letting you customize your own curriculum, and making it more affordable with a multi-class discount. Check out our Multi-Class Tracks for more information, and to view suggested tracks or begin building your own!
We’ll continue to grow and evolve our curriculum as the realities of working on the Open Web change over time. We definitely have a few more classes up our sleeves for October. Keep an eye out for those.
To stay up-to-date on class and conference announcements from Bocoup in the meantime, sign up for our low-volume email newsletter.