Announcing: OpenVis Conf
Posted by Irene Ros
Many people are inspired by the fantastic data visualizations published on the Open Web every day, but the practice of creating these engaging pieces is often shrouded in mystery. The first OpenVis Conf — set for May 16-17 in Boston — aims to change that, with two days of talks focused entirely on the process of creating data visualizations using open web technologies.
Here at Bocoup, we believe data visualization is core to the Open Web. We’ve worked to add transparency to the process of creating Open Web data visualizations, by developing open source projects that facilitate creating interactive content and fostering our own data visualization community here in Boston.
With OpenVis Conf, we’re building on those efforts, bringing together data visualization experts to talk about trends, libraries, patterns and techniques in the space. From acquiring and processing data, to producing engaging and interactive visual content, you’ll learn fundamental techniques as well as advanced approaches to creating rich and engaging data-driven applications.
If you’re interested in sharing your own knowledge about creating data visualizations with open technologies, we’ve also opened our call for speakers. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis, so the earlier you submit, the better your chances. The call for speakers will close on March 1, 2013.
We expect tickets to sell quickly as we begin to announce our speaker lineup, but in the meantime, we’ve released 50 earlybird tickets for $399. Stay tuned to the OpenVis Conf website ( and Twitter account (@openvisconf) for updates, and we look forward to seeing you in May.