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  • Announcing Test262 Report

    Rick Waldron and Boaz Sender - November 7th, 2018

    Today we’re launching Test262 Report to provide JavaScript developers with up-to-date information on the state of new and existing language features across implementations. Test262 Report is based on daily runs of Test262, the ECMA-262 (“ECMAScript” or “JavaScript”) test suite, in nightly builds of JavaScript engines, and visualizes at-a-glance status of feature implementation progress. Taking a […]

  • Ergonomic Testing with Webpack, Part One, File Resolving

    Z Goddard - September 14th, 2017

    This is part one in a series on the intersection of module bundlers and testing frameworks. Our focus will be webpack and jest but the techniques explored here can be reused with other tools as well. Modern websites and applications are routinely built by combining hundreds of small JavaScript modules. In order to increase the […]

  • Accessibility for Robots

    Mike Pennisi - July 26th, 2017

    Maybe you’re not a “people person.” It’s not that you dislike other humans, but you recognize certain realities of your work. Your day job is maintaining a web application, after all, not carousing with your users. You know that accessibility is an important topic, but you haven’t been able to find the time to learn […]

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  • Moving Targets: A Case Study on Testing Web Standards

    Lyza Gardner - May 8th, 2017

    Recently, I had the opportunity to contribute to a massive, meaningful effort: the open-source Web Platform Tests (WPT) project. My task was to improve WPT test coverage for areas of the HTML specification dealing with navigation —things like the details of loading new web pages, browsing around the web, and opening new windows. I didn’t […]

  • Test262 is a JavaScript Sideshow

    Mike Pennisi - August 25th, 2016

    Illustration by Sue Lockwood TC-39, the standards body that defines JavaScript, maintains a gigantic suite of tests for the language. The name of that test suite is Test262. When we started extending Test262 to cover brand new language features, we knew we were in for some surprises. Even so, we never could have anticipated the […]

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  • Advancing the Open Web through Test262

    Mike Pennisi - August 11th, 2016

    In the beginning of 2015, we started another important project for the open web. Of course you haven’t forgotten, but for all the folks just joining us: Google and Bocoup teamed up to improve Test262, the official test suite for the JavaScript language. Our goal was to improve the dependability of the web platform (not […]

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  • Seams in JavaScript

    Mike Pennisi - March 17th, 2016

    Sometimes I’m not satisfied with the way things are. I wish they could be a little bit different, just for a moment. I deal with this desire in my personal life by sighing and gazing through a rain-dotted window. When writing code, I take a more productive approach: I use seams. During application development, there […]

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  • Stabilizing ECMAScript 2015 (ES6): Teaming up with TC39 and Google on Test262

    Mike Pennisi - February 18th, 2015

    August 14, 2015. Mark your calendars. That’s my next birthday. Another important date is June 18, 2015–it’s when the ECMA General Assembly will vote on and approve the 6th edition of Ecma-262 and usher in the next era of JavaScript. On that day, all those new language features we’ve been coveting/dreading will officially enter our […]

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  • A Day at the Races: Avoiding Random Failures in Selenium UI Tests

    Mike Pennisi - October 15th, 2014

    Selenium is an indispensable tool for developing web applications. It allows developers to write test scripts that control real browsers and ensure their applications behave in the way that users expect. Tests like these make software development much more pleasant–developers can have much greater certainty that their application is functioning correctly even after large refactoring […]

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  • The Bocoup Open Device Lab

    Mat "Wilto" Marquis - August 28th, 2014

    I’ve always been a huge proponent of building sites that work everywhere — any user, any browser, any device, any context. Websites work everywhere by default, and they stay that way so long as we know how not to break them. That’s what the Open Web means to me: ensuring that entire populations just setting […]