Posts about open source
- Mar 10 2014
JavaScript: Arduino, Kinect Controlled Robot Arm
Johnny-Five was first released in 2012 and since then, we’ve spent a lot of time attempting to “prove” that JavaScript is capable of things that robotics programming has long taken for granted. Specifically, we’ve used the Johnny-Five framework to recreate popular hobbyist robotics projects that were previously written in C. In this article, I’m presenting […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino, Kinect Controlled Robot Arm - Feb 21 2014
d3.chart v0.2: Iterating on Reusability
It’s been about eight months since we announced d3.chart, and today we’re excited to release a new version of the framework for creating reusable visualizations. We’ve strived to incorporate as many of the lessons we learned in the eight months since the initial release. For detailed explanations of these changes, see our migration guide and […]
Continue Readingd3.chart v0.2: Iterating on Reusability - Feb 18 2014
Building Command Line Tools in Node with Liftoff
One of my favorite things about programming in node is the package management system. In almost all instances, the practice of locally installing modules for each project has simplified my life as a developer. However, as a long time contributor to Grunt, I have become intimately familiar with one edge case where this practice breaks […]
Continue ReadingBuilding Command Line Tools in Node with Liftoff- Tagged in:
- deployment,
- open source,
- tools and workflow
- Jan 22 2014
Nom: My Process For Designing a Restaurant Site
In the world of web design it’s more common to condemn or praise existing work than it is to talk about the actual process of creating something great. For example, over the years I’ve complained more and more about restaurant websites. I don’t just mean the ones that play background music, rely on Flash, use […]
Continue ReadingNom: My Process For Designing a Restaurant Site- Tagged in:
- design,
- software development process
- Dec 12 2013
Effective Unit Testing with AMD
AMD (short for Asynchronous Module Definition) is a JavaScript API specification for structuring modular code. The web abounds with blog posts illustrating its use in front-end application development (and there’s plenty of healthy debate around its necessity, too). The topic of unit testing (despite being integral to the process of software development) does not receive […]
Continue ReadingEffective Unit Testing with AMD- Tagged in:
- performance,
- testing
- Dec 10 2013
Counting Uniforms in WebGL
For a recent consulting project I was attempting to render some fairly complex skeletal animations in WebGL on Firefox and Chrome. I quickly ran into a situation where the animation was rendering on Linux and Mac computers, but not on Windows. All the test machines had up-to-date graphics drivers, but the Windows machines threw a […]
Continue ReadingCounting Uniforms in WebGL- Tagged in:
- data visualization,
- design,
- performance
- Oct 28 2013
Building Multiplayer HTML5 Games with Cloak
Here at Bocoup I’ve been building a lot of multiplayer HTML5 games using Node.js and This stack has been working great for us! We’ve used in our work with Game Show Network, PBS and MIT, and we build all kinds of stuff on Node. My experience on these projects has led me to […]
Continue ReadingBuilding Multiplayer HTML5 Games with Cloak - Oct 21 2013
Towards “Responsiveness” with d3.chart.js
While data visualization is growing as a medium on the Open Web, practitioners of the field still struggle to make data visualization “work” on different screens. The question “how do I render at different sizes?” is an important one, but only tackles a portion of the greater challenge of “what does it mean to create […]
Continue ReadingTowards “Responsiveness” with d3.chart.js - Sep 03 2013
How Node.js Makes Network Code More Testable
Introduction Node.js, a server platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript engine, is changing the face of web development. While Node.js itself is fast and scalable, the open source community surrounding Node.js is constantly discovering new ways to make application development more productive. This article will show how Node.js network code can be easier to write automated […]
Continue ReadingHow Node.js Makes Network Code More Testable - Jun 18 2013
Information Hiding in JavaScript
Why would Bocoup, a company whose charge is to “move the open web forward,” be publishing an article on something so nefarious-sounding as “information hiding”? An article titled “Free Love & Information in JavaScript” would seem much more apt for this blog. Trust me: if information hiding were an inherently immoral practice, I wouldn’t know […]
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