Posts about nodebots
- Apr 29 2014
On-Board: Intel Galileo Programming with JavaScript and Node.js
Nearly two years has passed since I wrote the article that introduced Johnny-Five as a new way to program Arduino microcontrollers with JavaScript on Node.js. In those two years a lot of exciting things have been created, despite the potentially restrictive paradigm that Johnny-Five programs exist in. The underlying Firmata platform protocol forces Johnny-Five programs […]
Continue ReadingOn-Board: Intel Galileo Programming with JavaScript and Node.js - Mar 10 2014
JavaScript: Arduino, Kinect Controlled Robot Arm
Johnny-Five was first released in 2012 and since then, we’ve spent a lot of time attempting to “prove” that JavaScript is capable of things that robotics programming has long taken for granted. Specifically, we’ve used the Johnny-Five framework to recreate popular hobbyist robotics projects that were previously written in C. In this article, I’m presenting […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino, Kinect Controlled Robot Arm - Sep 12 2012
Bocoup on Air: Making Robots with JavaScript
In case you missed it, Rick Waldron and I got together recently to talk about Johnny Five, a library that lets you control an Arduino using JavaScript. Rick showed off some of his Johnny Five creations — including a dancing robot — and I got to geek out a bit more about shift registers and […]
Continue ReadingBocoup on Air: Making Robots with JavaScript - Aug 08 2012
Getting Bitwise with JavaScript
00000001 // 1 — truthy, so LED 7 is ON Throw in the iteration from 0 to 255, a timeout, and some Johnny Five code, and we end up with this: Part 2: Learning to Write If all we wanted to do was count from 0 to 255 in blinking lights, then the best we […]
Continue ReadingGetting Bitwise with JavaScript - Jul 17 2012
JavaScript: Arduino Bumper Switch Controlling a Led Tutorial
Welcome to the third tutorial in our series geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Get caught up here. Johnny-Five is a Firmata based Arduino programming framework. See: JavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js. In the first tutorial you created a program to control a servo via REPL; then, in the second tutorial […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino Bumper Switch Controlling a Led Tutorial - May 24 2012
JavaScript: Arduino Slide Controlling a Servo Tutorial
Welcome to the second tutorial in our series geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Get caught up here. Johnny-Five is a Firmata based Arduino programming framework. See: JavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js. In the previous tutorial, you created a program that gave you a simple REPL control interface to a servo […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino Slide Controlling a Servo Tutorial - May 18 2012
JavaScript: Arduino Servo Control Tutorial
This is the first tutorial in a new series geared towards Arduino programming on Node.js, using the Johnny-Five framework. Johnny-Five is a Firmata based Arduino programming framework. See: JavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js. At the end of the first article, I showed a simple program that would strobe an LED at the default rate of […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino Servo Control Tutorial - May 15 2012
JavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js
Today is Tuesday, May 15th 2012. Just over a year ago, I discovered node-serialport by Chris Williams and went immediately to the closest Microcenter and purchased the Getting Started with Arduino kit. Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: Arduino Programming on Node.js - Mar 06 2012
Ringmark Gallery, Part 1
See all in the Ringmark Gallery series Last week, Facebook and Bocoup announced a partnership and W3C Community Group initiative to raise the awareness of the development needs of The Mobile Web as a platform. This announcement included the unveiling of a “mobile acid test”, dubbed Ringmark. Ringmark runs real-time inference, functional and practical application […]
Continue ReadingRingmark Gallery, Part 1 - Feb 28 2012
JavaScript: WebRTC in Opera Mobile 12
Yesterday, Opera announced and released the latest version of its mobile browser, Opera Mobile 12. Today, while running the browser against the Ringmark suite, I noticed that it was now passing the WebRTC detection tests. Very exciting, indeed! To test drive the first ever mobile browser implementation of WebRTC, I decided to use dmv — […]
Continue ReadingJavaScript: WebRTC in Opera Mobile 12