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Follow along as we chronicle our work with our partners, the latest news on the web platform, and our efforts to build a more collaborative, inclusive company culture.
  • Making the Reconbots for Intel at Maker Faire Bay Area 2016

    Francis Gulotta - June 20th, 2016

    This year Intel and Bocoup joined forces to show what you can do at home with the Intel Edison and Johnny-Five. We built a roving robot with streaming video and touchscreen controls in a few days using off-the-shelf parts and under 600 lines of code. We named it Reconbot. Build and drive a robot with […]

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  • New Game Tickets On Sale

    Darius Kazemi - August 23rd, 2011

    Tickets to New Game, our HTML5 Game Conference in San Francisco this fall, went on sale last week. We are really excited for an incredible lineup of speakers including the likes of Rich Hilleman from EA, engineers from Mozilla, Spil Games, Opera, Google, Bocoup, GameSalad, Moblyng, and other very exciting folks to be announced soon. […]

  • Announcing: New Game Conference

    Darius Kazemi - July 7th, 2011

    We are proud to announce that Bocoup is presenting New Game Conference, an HTML5 conference for game developers. It will be in San Francisco on November 1st and 2nd. We are excited to be working with Google as our leading sponsor. Please keep an eye on the website and our Twitter feed for more info in […]