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  • Adventures in Pair Designing: Pomming

    Jess Klein - July 19th, 2016

    Designing in a vacuum is challenging. It’s more than challenging – it’s hard, painful, sad, depressing, defeating, pointless, infuriating, lonely – you get my point? It can potentially be debilitating for a creative to be working in a silo, which from time to time could happen on a project. To address this, we are experimenting […]

  • Pom & Circumstance: Announcing Pombot for tracking time and productivity in Slack

    Jenn Schiffer - July 8th, 2016

    Recent communication apps, like Slack, have lowered the barrier of entry for the use of bots to increase productivity. There are many techniques that I, personally, have tried in the past for time management, but none that I ever ended up fully adopting. Despite that, I always have been fascinated with what my colleagues were […]

  • Why hourly time tracking doesn’t work for software

    Greg Smith - August 29th, 2014

    Software developers never want to do hourly time tracking. I’ve seen team leads who fill out the time tracking for their whole team to spare them the trouble. I’ve seen developers agonize over what to write down: they feel like they’re estimating even when it should be a simple matter of hours. Why is it […]