- Sep 26 2019
Introducing a JavaScript library for exploring Scratch projects: sb-util
Introduction We’re excited to introduce sb-util, a new JavaScript library that makes it easy to query Scratch projects via .sb3 files. This npm library allows developers (or even teachers and students) to parse and introspect Scratch projects for a range of purposes, from data visualization to custom tooling. Previously, working with Scratch project files required […]
Continue ReadingIntroducing a JavaScript library for exploring Scratch projects: sb-util - Sep 13 2019
How to scribe at TPAC
Next week is TPAC in Fukuoka, Japan. This is an annual conference for all working groups in the W3C to meet face-to-face. Naturally, there is a desire to have a record of what is said in these meetings. This is done by people in the meeting taking turns to scribe. Even if you have attended […]
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- w3c tpac,
- web standards
- Aug 19 2019
Experiments in Faster Scratch 3 Loading with Texture Atlases
One of the best parts of the Scratch community is the diversity of Scratch projects. Community members have used the Scratch programming language to create many different kinds of interactive applications, from full game engines to music sequencers. One genre is especially unique: Multiple Animator Projects, or MAPs. These Scratch projects compile animations from many […]
Continue ReadingExperiments in Faster Scratch 3 Loading with Texture Atlases - Aug 01 2019
Contributing to the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide
We believe that inclusivity and accessibility are of utmost importance to the open web platform. One of the ways that we empower the full diversity of Internet users is by ensuring that those with permanent disabilities and temporary limitations, can browse websites with assistive technologies. Writing accessible code improves the experience of browsing a website […]
Continue ReadingContributing to the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide - Jul 22 2019
Lessons Learned from a Year of Testing the Web Platform
The web-platform-tests project is a massive suite of tests (over one million in total) which verify that software (mostly web browsers) correctly implement web technologies. It’s as important as it is ambitious: the health of the web depends on a plurality of interoperable implementations. Although Bocoup has been contributing to the web-platform-tests, or “WPT,” for […]
Continue ReadingLessons Learned from a Year of Testing the Web Platform - Jul 16 2019
Take the MDN Developer & Designer Needs Survey
Today, MDN announced their first-ever needs assessment survey for web developers and designers. The survey takes about 20 minutes and asks a variety of questions aimed at understanding the joys, frustrations, needs and wants of everyday web-makers. Mozilla have committed to making the results of the survey public later this year, and the survey itself […]
Continue ReadingTake the MDN Developer & Designer Needs Survey - Jul 10 2019
Optimizing Scratch 3 Pen Blocks
Earlier this year, we shared our work on the launch of Scratch 3.0, a major version of the visual programming environment for children of all ages. The new version of Scratch marked a complete rewrite of the runtime in JavaScript leveraging open web APIs. In our previous post, we enumerated the many performance optimizations that […]
Continue ReadingOptimizing Scratch 3 Pen Blocks - May 30 2019
Widening the Web with ECMA-402: Our work on the Internationalization Extension to JavaScript
Inconsistencies across browser implementations have caused web authors and users headaches since the dawn of time (or at least Jan 1, 1970), but nowhere has that pain been felt more acutely than in the realm of language and regional internationalization and localization. We have an inclusion gap on the web. Web authoring tools structurally exclude […]
Continue ReadingWidening the Web with ECMA-402: Our work on the Internationalization Extension to JavaScript - May 29 2019
Glitching Scratch 3.0 on an Embedded Web Game Console
Today, we are excited to announce our partnership with JoyLabz, which began in 2017 and has centered around the development of a new game console called GameBender. JoyLabz, developers of Makey Makey and Drawdio, and founded by former Lifelong Kindergarten researcher Jay Silver, has been an incredible partner. We are excited to finally share the […]
Continue ReadingGlitching Scratch 3.0 on an Embedded Web Game Console - Apr 11 2019
Test262 Helps Advance JavaScript Proposals to Standardization
Test262 is a conformance test suite for ECMAScript, the programming language on which JavaScript is based. Containing 36,103 individual tests at the time of this writing, Test262 ensures that different implementations of the language, such as the JavaScript engines in web browsers or stand-alone runtimes like Node.js or Moddable XS, agree on the minutiae of […]
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