Take the MDN Developer & Designer Needs Survey
Posted by Jory Burson
Today, MDN announced their first-ever needs assessment survey for web developers and designers. The survey takes about 20 minutes and asks a variety of questions aimed at understanding the joys, frustrations, needs and wants of everyday web-makers. Mozilla have committed to making the results of the survey public later this year, and the survey itself has been localized into several languages for broad geographic reach.
Advocating on behalf of web developers has long been part of our mandate at Bocoup, where we’ve worked to align the goals of browser vendors, library authors, and application builders through our consulting work and open source maintainership of web platform test suites. We’re excited to have been part of shaping this survey through MDN’s Product Advisory Board because we believe the data will have a meaningful impact on what we should prioritize to make the web platform better. It will also help improve resources for learning and understanding web technologies, and serve as a credible baseline for understanding how developer needs change year over year.
We encourage you to take the survey and help us amplify your voice in the implementer ecosystem!