CSS Conf

A conference dedicated to the designers, developers and engineers who build the world’s most engaging user interfaces.

Client: Bocoup

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  • Product Development
  • Special Projects

More work like this at Bocoup

pombot - A slackbot for time management


As we are often on teams that are not co-located, our product team had first hand experience with the communication challenges involved in synchronous or even asynchronous remote collaboration. We wanted a way to share what we were working on and feel like we were in the same space as each other (even if that just meant headspace).

A mock-up of the HBR.org homepage on a laptop and mobile device, side-by-side.

HBR Website Architecture

Bocoup focused on boosting mobile performance and stability for the new and award wining redesign of HBR.org.

open design kit

Open Design Kit

Bocoup conceived of and implemented this open source project to explain how to incorporate distributed design principles and methods into a design practice.