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  • CSS Grid: Responsive and Accessibility

    Susan Robertson - March 2nd, 2017

    Reflow your content with ease In the first post I wrote about my very first learnings with CSS Grid, I showed how I took a pattern I’ve used many times and reproduced it with a lot less code. After learning about how to do something simple, I started wondering about the other properties of CSS […]

  • CSS Grid: Design possibilities

    Susan Robertson - February 24th, 2017

    As I started to learn about CSS Grid and the new base layout possibilities, I was struck by how much this changes things for design. I don’t think I’m alone in this, either: a search through CodePen reveals plenty of designers and developers thinking about this as well. There are so many new ways to […]

  • CSS Grid: Learning new layout

    Susan Robertson - February 21st, 2017

    I’ve been writing base layouts for CSS a long time. Come next month, I’m going to be using a new feature to do that work for the first time in many years, CSS Grid. Yes, flexbox came along and I used it for some pieces of the layout, but it didn’t change the way I […]

  • The Responsive Images Community Group: What Comes Next

    Mat "Wilto" Marquis - November 11th, 2014

    The RICG’s work is starting to wind down, but we’re just getting started at the same time. We’re a weird sort of web standards organization. We’re nebulous by design: a rallying point for anyone that wants to get involved in the kinds of new standards that most impact their daily work. We aim to prevent […]

  • A Day at the Races: Avoiding Random Failures in Selenium UI Tests

    Mike Pennisi - October 15th, 2014

    Selenium is an indispensable tool for developing web applications. It allows developers to write test scripts that control real browsers and ensure their applications behave in the way that users expect. Tests like these make software development much more pleasant–developers can have much greater certainty that their application is functioning correctly even after large refactoring […]

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  • Announcing MobileVis – Data Visualization on Mobile Devices

    Irene Ros - June 19th, 2014

    Back in January, we announced the receipt of a Prototype Fund grant from Knight Foundation to explore the question: how does one design data visualization for mobile devices? Why are we asking this question? Data Visualization is common in everyday communication online and in print media. As consumers shift to mobile devices for their daily […]

  • Towards “Responsiveness” with d3.chart.js

    Irene Ros - October 21st, 2013

    While data visualization is growing as a medium on the Open Web, practitioners of the field still struggle to make data visualization “work” on different screens. The question “how do I render at different sizes?” is an important one, but only tackles a portion of the greater challenge of “what does it mean to create […]

  • The Dimensions of Web Design

    Greg Smith - April 22nd, 2013

    The 5-dimensional Web Today’s web has at least five dimensions: Width Height Time – Site content is constantly changing and being added. Hardware – Content needs to be usable on a variety of devices. Software – Different users have different browser capabilities and settings. Good websites embrace this complexity as a competitive advantage. Bad websites […]

  • Learn CSS Layout

    Greg Smith - March 4th, 2013

    Learn CSS Layout is a new learning and reference site I made in my open source time here at Bocoup. Although there are lots of resources on the web for learning CSS layout techniques, we’ve had trouble finding ones we’re comfortable recommending. is an enlightening and accessible look at modern techniques for beginners, while […]

  • Ringmark Gallery, Part 1

    Rick Waldron - March 6th, 2012

    See all in the Ringmark Gallery series Last week, Facebook and Bocoup announced a partnership and W3C Community Group initiative to raise the awareness of the development needs of The Mobile Web as a platform. This announcement included the unveiling of a “mobile acid test”, dubbed Ringmark. Ringmark runs real-time inference, functional and practical application […]