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Follow along as we chronicle our work with our partners, the latest news on the web platform, and our efforts to build a more collaborative, inclusive company culture.
  • The Bocoup Open Device Lab

    Mat "Wilto" Marquis - August 28th, 2014

    I’ve always been a huge proponent of building sites that work everywhere — any user, any browser, any device, any context. Websites work everywhere by default, and they stay that way so long as we know how not to break them. That’s what the Open Web means to me: ensuring that entire populations just setting […]

  • Announcing MobileVis – Data Visualization on Mobile Devices

    Irene Ros - June 19th, 2014

    Back in January, we announced the receipt of a Prototype Fund grant from Knight Foundation to explore the question: how does one design data visualization for mobile devices? Why are we asking this question? Data Visualization is common in everyday communication online and in print media. As consumers shift to mobile devices for their daily […]

  • The Dimensions of Web Design

    Greg Smith - April 22nd, 2013

    The 5-dimensional Web Today’s web has at least five dimensions: Width Height Time – Site content is constantly changing and being added. Hardware – Content needs to be usable on a variety of devices. Software – Different users have different browser capabilities and settings. Good websites embrace this complexity as a competitive advantage. Bad websites […]

  • Getting Started with Mozilla Gaia

    Dan Heberden - March 5th, 2013

    Mozilla recently announced FirefoxOS, an innovative project for mobile devices that uses Open Web standards to write UI and applications in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The team at Mozilla has done an incredible amount of work connecting a version of Gecko made specifically for the mobile operating system, to Gaia, the web technology-driven UI of […]

  • Learn CSS Layout

    Greg Smith - March 4th, 2013

    Learn CSS Layout is a new learning and reference site I made in my open source time here at Bocoup. Although there are lots of resources on the web for learning CSS layout techniques, we’ve had trouble finding ones we’re comfortable recommending. is an enlightening and accessible look at modern techniques for beginners, while […]

  • Bocoup on Air: Developing for the Mobile Web

    Rebecca Murphey - September 17th, 2012

    We had so much fun with our first Bocoup on Air hangout that we decided to do it again. This time, I chatted with Boaz Sender about a mobile web app he’s been working on, and about the future of the web as an application development platform. Most of our conversation was spent on a […]

  • Welcome Darius Kazemi

    Boaz Sender - September 6th, 2012

    We are excited to announce that Darius Kazemi has joined our team to focus full time on HTML5 game development and evangelism. Darius brings a career of experience building and analyzing internet games. We are committed to helping open web technology succeed at Bocoup, but to date, we have focused on building software for startups […]

  • Ringmark Tests Open Source

    Boaz Sender - April 4th, 2012

    I am really excited that the tests powering Ringmark have been pushed up to Facebook’s fork of coremob/coremob-tests repo on GitHub. Read more about it on Facebook’s dev blog. We think that unit test authoring will be a great way for web developers to engage in the standards process, and so we are looking forward […]

  • Ringmark Gallery, Part 1

    Rick Waldron - March 6th, 2012

    See all in the Ringmark Gallery series Last week, Facebook and Bocoup announced a partnership and W3C Community Group initiative to raise the awareness of the development needs of The Mobile Web as a platform. This announcement included the unveiling of a “mobile acid test”, dubbed Ringmark. Ringmark runs real-time inference, functional and practical application […]

  • JavaScript: WebRTC in Opera Mobile 12

    Rick Waldron - February 28th, 2012

    Yesterday, Opera announced and released the latest version of its mobile browser, Opera Mobile 12. Today, while running the browser against the Ringmark suite, I noticed that it was now passing the WebRTC detection tests. Very exciting, indeed! To test drive the first ever mobile browser implementation of WebRTC, I decided to use dmv — […]