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PollenJS Contributor Announcement

Posted by Rick Waldron

Jan 25 2010

I’m pleased to announce the addition of Elijah Grey as a core contributor to the PollenJS  project. Eli has an exceptional (albeit short)  background in JavaScript development using bleeding-edge technology. Just the kind of guy we like to have around

A few thing that Eli and I have already begun hashing out:

  1. Modular loading of Pollen functionality

  2. Re-write of isObjLiteral (Eli is the man with this one – he wrote an excellent implementation of isObjectLiteral() prior to joining PollenJS)

  3. SQL style querying of JSON objects

  4. Client-side Pollen

Also wanted to note that Eli developed and released JSandbox, which is also a Worker-specific library and was released about 2 months prior to Pollen. Unfortunately we were completely unaware of this, otherwise we would’ve brought him on sooner!

Posted by
Rick Waldron
on January 25th, 2010

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