Coming to Montreal and Boston: Introduction to HTML5 Game Development
Posted by Jory Burson
A few weeks ago we announced our first Introduction to HTML5 Game Development training. We’re now happy to announce two more training dates: Monday, June 18 in Montreal, and Saturday, July 21 in Boston.
The Montreal class will be held at CRIM for $295 Canadian, with a $140 rebate after the class if you work for a video game studio in Quebec. Sign up here (link is in French).
The Boston class will be hosted right here at the Bocoup Loft and will cost $250. Sign up here.
And there’s still time to sign up for our New York training this coming Saturday, May 5 at the NYU Game Center! Sign up here.
The class will be taught by Bocoup’s in-house game developers: Greg Smith, whose work on boxbox makes Box2D a joy to use, and Darius Kazemi, who worked on Fieldrunners HTML5. Topics covered include Canvas, animation, audio, and physics — at the end of the day, attendees will have a simple 2D physics game built in JavaScript and Canvas.