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Bocoup Goes on Tour with jQuery Essentials in Atlanta

Posted by Jory Burson

Aug 15 2012

It seems that just about every time we talk about the trainings we do at the Bocoup Loft in Boston, people ask us whether we will ever do trainings in other cities. While we’ve done a handful of trainings in conjunction with conferences such as TXJS and the jQuery Conference, today we’re excited to announce that we’re venturing out on our own.

Our first stop: Atlanta. On September 27, Ben Alman and Rebecca Murphey will help you “level up” your jQuery knowledge with our one-day “jQuery Essentials” training. It’s an immersive look at patterns and techniques you can use to improve your code, your site, and your development experience. We’ll cover topics such as:

  • Best Practices How to avoid common performance and maintainability pitfalls.
  • Debugging How to figure out what’s wrong when your code isn’t behaving as expected.
  • Event Delegation How it works and when to use it.
  • Deferreds and Promises How to use the functionality introduced in jQuery 1.5 to tame asynchronous code.
  • Templates How to efficiently update your page using only raw data from the server.
  • Code Organization How to keep your code from turning into a tangled mess.
  • jQuery Plugins What to do (and not to do) when creating a jQuery plugin.

Throughout the day, you’ll have opportunities to try what you’re learning via hands-on exercises. By the end of the day, you’ll be ready to tackle front-end development challenges with a better understanding of both JavaScript and the jQuery library.

Interested? Seating is limited, and the earlybird price — $149 — is a steal. Sign up here!

Want a Bocoup training to come to your city? Let us know where you’d like to see us next, and add your email for a chance to win a free ticket to a future Bocoup training.

Posted by
Jory Burson
on August 15th, 2012

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