Migrating Service Worker Tests to WPT

Unifying and improving divergent test forks for the benefit of all.

Client: Google

  • Web Platform Development
It's been awesome having Bocoup driving both the tooling infrastructure and key strategic test suite investments here! Your team has shown the same productivity, independent drive for excellence, and good judgement under ambiguity that I expect from Googlers!

—Rick Byers, Google

More work like this at Bocoup

a an illustrated white leaf is superimposed over a seedling and yellow rain boots. in the corner is the Canadian flag and the word "Canada"

A Roadmap for HTML Maps

Leveraging our experience with standardizing web platform features, we provided review and recommendations for the existing proposals from the Maps for HTML Community Group and created a roadmap for the path forward.

a person in purple and a person in red stand in front of computer screens in the center a person in blue sits in a wheelchair. people are talking with their hands

Specify contenteditable=plaintext-only

In 2020 and 2021 we helped the Google Rendering team with specification tests for several things, including improving the interoperability of the “plaintext-only” value.

image of different screen attributes in Blue and dark green, with cursors hovering. circles and squares and slashes dot the permiter

Improving lazy-loading

We continued to expand our work with lazy-loading in an effort to improve interoperability in browser engines and address pain points for web developers.