I’m happy to report a bit of news that’s making today a good day – nay, a g’day – here at Bocoup: Earle Castledine is our newest Open Web Engineer!

Earle, perhaps better known to denizens of the internet by the moniker Mister Speaker, is a recent transplant from Australia, and he joins us from Pellucid Analytics. Equal parts technician and tinkerer, he’s the creator of numerous HTML5 games and experiments, and the author of jQuery: Novice to Ninja and Jump Start CoffeeScript.

When he’s not putting new web APIs through their paces, encouraging others to get involved in game development at a Ludum Dare, or confabulating about programming languages, he’s apt to be sauntering around his new home borough of Brooklyn or maintaining projects like Omega500 or JS.scala.

We’re so excited to have the opportunity to work alongside Earle to keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the browser. You can stay up to date on his sayings and doings at his blog and @mrspeaker on Twitter, and explore his prolific array of projects on GitHub.