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Announcing Chatter: a library for making interactive chat bots on slack and more

Posted by Ben Alman

Jul 07 2016

We’ve long been making bots with hardware, now we’re making them with software too!

They started as simple one-off “report bots.” Basically, helpful commands that anyone in our Slack could use to show useful information like who’s out on a given day, or how much vacation time we’ve taken. We also made a bot where people could send a “thanks” message that would be aggregated into a weekly email for the whole team to see.

In the process, we started to see some patterns appearing. From basic things, like matching text and returning a response based on the message, to more complex things, like flood protection or nested hierarchies of commands with help and usage information.

After a fair bit of iteration, we’ve released chatter, a Node.js library containing a collection of useful primitives for creating interactive chat bots.

And, no surprise, it’s open source! Check it out on GitHub, contribute, and stay tuned here for more info!

Posted by
Ben Alman
on July 7th, 2016

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