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A New Sun Over Malibu

Posted by Mike Pennisi

Jan 29 2016

Our pal and longstanding Bocouper Greg Smith has left Bocoup to work with the fine folks at Brightcove.

Greg joined Bocoup back in 2011, and he’s accomplished quite a lot since then! Between completing 91 (his ambitious crowd-funded role playing game), single-beardedly developing boxbox, launching the ever-popular (and the not-quite-as-popular, and presenting a bunch of great tech talks, he’s certainly kept himself busy. But his contribution to our team has been far more integral than a laundry list of achievements could describe.

His consistent demonstration of empathy made him a darling to our clients, a sage to our readers, and a rock to his fellow Bocoupers. It wasn’t long before he transitioned into the role of developer advocate, where he worked to recognize our strengths and improve on our weaknesses. Throughout, he demonstrated a strong commitment to Bocoup’s core values.

We know Greg is going to do us proud as he advances projects such as video.js, right here in Boston, no less! There may be a tear in my eye, but I’ll swear up and down that it’s from all the hot sauce Greg left in his wake. Don’t be a stranger, buddy!

Posted by
Mike Pennisi
on January 29th, 2016

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